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this weekend the sun finally came out. in addition to our new routine of going to get scrambled eggs and fresh squeezed oj for breakfast at westway diner, we also checked out some local parks. bailey was very happy to be swinging again and loved practicing her (still assisted) walking with all the other kids at the central park playground (including jasper!).

sorry i haven't been keeping the blog updated as regularly as i'd like. so much has changed in such a short time. we moved apartments (in the blizzard no less). i've gone back to work. and we got a great nanny who has played an integral role in teaching bailey lots of words and phrases like "head", "toes", "nose", "belly", "dance", "doggie", and "blow a kiss".

though not the best eater, bailey's favorite food right now is blueberries. and her favorite book is good night gorilla which she can read over and over again. also, she has magically taken a liking to hanging out in her crib.

here's a video of bailey on the new otterness slide with dad and a video of her cracking up at dinner.

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