matt and i opted to do the intensive 3-day potty training method (3 days of no pants, no leaving the apartment, and trying desperately to catch every pee pee and poopie).
guess what, it worked!
we told bailey we were having a "potty party" which we kicked off with throwing out all of her diapers. we put on panties and there was no turning back. as precautionary measures for the 3 days, carpets were rolled up, towels were placed on the couch, lots of potty "surprises" (read: rewards) were wrapped.
night time is still a struggle. but she got it down in 3 days.
note: on day 2, matt and i were almost ready to throw in the towel. good thing we didn't!!!
the end of summer, meant the end of tumbling and dance classes BUT the start of a new school year for bailey at 43rd street kids. this year, she's been in school 3 days a week (1.5 hrs/day without mommy!) and 1 day a week she has swim class.
here are a few pics from her time at school. photos are courtesy of mimi's mommy.