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somehow, it's been nearly impossible to get both girls smiling together. this is as close as it gets.

finally, flickr

after being more than 7 months behind on posting photos, we are finally up to date. woo hoo. go here to check out all the pics.

bryn had her 1 month check up today and is 8lb 5oz. nursing is going well and is pretty much on-demand. luckily, i've figured out how to nurse in the baby bjorn. although it looks a little odd, it has been a lifesaver. the doctor today said i'd be kidding myself if i thought i'd be able to get her on any sort of schedule anyways. thanks doc! ;-)

grandma carol just left on sunday, which means we're now flying solo as a family of 4 (sans grandparents). *sigh* *gasp*

yesterday was a nice president's day break. matt took both girls in the morning (thanks daddy!) and i took them in the afternoon.

today matt is back at work, and now... the act of being a juggling parent begins.
woo hoo!!!

with her new bff duke. :-)

grunty bryn

watching bryn grunt post nursing brings back memories of a very grunty bailey.

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