little brynny is not even 2 yet, but she just started a 2s/3s class at appleseeds. the goal of the class is to work on separation. thus far, bryn hasn't really been apart from myself/matt/gaby very much. and when she's had to be own her own, it's been pretty rough (e.g. nursery at church). BUT only after 3 short classes, she's managed to be on her own!
although it has been reported that she is VERY serious in class, the great news is that she hasn't cried!
little brynny is all grown up!
little baby coops is just shy of 4-months of age, but he already had his 4-month checkup last week.
as of then, he was 24.5" long (50%) and almost 15lb (50%). he's been cooing a lot lately and his smile can't be beat. every time he smiles he reminds me of city dog (shown above) from CITY DOG, COUNTRY FROG.
maybe there's some truth to the saying, "mama's boy" or maybe he already has a special place in my heart because he's the littlest.
that said, we certainly haven't been babying him. we've been pretty tough on poor coops when it comes to sleep training. he's been doing pretty good until a couple days ago when he's been consistently flipping himself on his back (unable to flip himself the other way). getting stuck, he's been crying and screaming a lot. :-(
but we are hopeful that he will learn to self-soothe soon!