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cooper's 5 month stats:
• 25.5" in long
• 16 lb 9 oz
• 43 cm head circumference
• super CUTE
• 1 tooth
• multiple chins
• very drolly
• sleeping from 7pm-5am then back down till 7am
• napping in his crib
• did i mention super CUTE?

over the last month, the girls have had quite a few birthday celebrations. bryn had an elmo cake at home on the day of her 2nd birthday with a few friends in the apartment. then, that weekend, she had a big celebration with cicely (a friend from church). for that big party, i totally lucked out in that cicely's mom did almost ALL of the work (cooking, inviting, hosting, cleaning).  

then just this past weekend, the girls had a "Frozen"-themed blowout bday party at appleseeds. almost every single kid from bailey's class was in attendance along with other friends, old and new. then today (bailey's actual 5th birthday), bailey had a cupcake party at her school. 

i think birthday mania is officially over! i guess at least till cooper's 1st. ;-P

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