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cooper now has 3 big(gish) teeth and 3 teeth that have just broken through.
he's crawling (not super turbo but getting there).
he's eating like a monster (more than the girls).
he can say MAMAMA and DADADA and BOBBY and i can't remember the last one (i'll have to ask bailey tomorrow when she wakes up).

 here's a pic of him at his last doctor's appt. he had his blood drawn at said appt and didn't even cry.

it feels like yesterday we were just moving to the upper west side (unsure of whether or not bailey would get a spot at mandell). then suddenly, with the blink of an eye, she's already done with school!
how did that happen?

she had a great time meeting new friends and studying all about the rainforest and the ocean. she became really good at art projects and managed to bring home a pretty killer dictionary that she made.

go bailey!

here's a pic from her end of the year picnic.

after another 3-day potty training adventure (big kudos to daddy lillvis aka poopmaster flex), brynny is potty trained. no more diapers.*

*except for pull-ups at night and for naps.

there were a few tantrums. and day 2 was rough. but as we were hoping, it clicked on day 3. in true brynny fashion, she will master something (all-the-while not wanting coaching) and then insist on doing everything herSELF!

she got a few gifts out of the ordeal, a bunch of panties, some new nightshirts, a few "gummies" and lots of attention from her mommy and daddy.

bailey was a good helper for the most part. cooper was oblivious.

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