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grandma carol visit

grandma carol came to visit then was joined by grandpa richard. we went apple picking at applewood orchards in orange county, NY then went to storm king for the day too!
homer simpson pic was from mom's date with grandma carol at a bubble tea shop in the west village.

every time we've gone apple picking, we've gone TOO LATE. this season, we went on opening day (labor day weekend). TOO EARLY! the apples weren't really ripe yet. but it was still fun and didn't stop the kids from chowing down on apples.

first days of 2015

bailey's first day of 1st grade at pPS199!

bryn's first day of 3s at Mandell!

bryn's first day of ballet at MMAC.

cooper's first day of Early Beginners at The Day School!


watermelon = lelon

cucumber = cumber

bailey = lailey

helicopter = cockler

doggie = goggie

fire truck = wee ooh wee ooh

seaweed = weedeed

hand = sands

elevator = laylor

brynny = minnie

bailey got her first bike last week. she learned to ride that sucker in 30 minutes! go bailey! she definitely takes after her dad on this one and not her mom. i signed her up for a class through but she didn't really need it. matt just took her training wheels off and off she went. 

cooper got his first haircut like a big boy at a barber shop. no tv, no fancy car to sit in, no balloon either. BUT he DID get this snazzy penguin apron. AND the girls got lollipops!

for spring break this year, we visited grandma carol and grandpa richard in dallas. it was fun to get to play some golf, hang out with family and get to meet uncle sam's new girlfriend ellie and her dog kumo. in addition to going to the mall and local playgrounds 800 times, we went to the dallas aquarium and the perot science museum too!

cooper did a great job at his 18-month doctor visit. they said he was the first 18-month old in a year that didn't cry when he got his shot. he's weighing in at 23lb7oz (40%), 31.5in tall (15%) and 48in head circumference (75%).

he's also starting to have some strong opinions!
but still pretty happy go lucky.

today our little bailey turned 6. time sure flies! she is a little lady now. she continues to surprise me with her kindness and intelligence daily.

today at school, all her friends said really nice things about her.... from "i like how you are kind to your friends" to "i love you, bailey."  kids can be so pure and awesome.

tonight, we went to benihana to celebrate. there, on the kids menu, bailey did her first sudoku puzzle with no help. she continues to prove that she gets her good looks and charm from her mother. heh. just kidding.

last saturday, the celebration began with 19 of her friends partying at appleseeds! she is a pretty lucky kid.

our little firecracker sweetheart turned 3 last saturday. in the last year, there have been moments when she's acted like she's already 13 years old going on 21. but throughout it all, she has packed in more sweetness and love than all the 3 year olds in the world.

she is very much her own little princess and she was thrilled when queen elsa showed up to her birthday party!


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