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bailey got her first bike last week. she learned to ride that sucker in 30 minutes! go bailey! she definitely takes after her dad on this one and not her mom. i signed her up for a class through but she didn't really need it. matt just took her training wheels off and off she went. 

cooper got his first haircut like a big boy at a barber shop. no tv, no fancy car to sit in, no balloon either. BUT he DID get this snazzy penguin apron. AND the girls got lollipops!

for spring break this year, we visited grandma carol and grandpa richard in dallas. it was fun to get to play some golf, hang out with family and get to meet uncle sam's new girlfriend ellie and her dog kumo. in addition to going to the mall and local playgrounds 800 times, we went to the dallas aquarium and the perot science museum too!

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