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a long day out for bailey

bailey, mom, and grandma lam had a busy day yesterday. we had our second outing in a nyc taxicab when we went to see the doctor. then at night, we went to a breastfeeding support group run by la leche league at the Y. after that, we topped it off with a night on the town with a fancy dinner at morandi. baby's first dinner out with daddy! she was good and slept through the entire meal.

then back at home, she entertained us with her half smile, half evil eye sleep. (see video).


  1. Sulyn Zan said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Sulyn Zan said...
    this baby is absolutely adorable!!!

    this is wendy! (sulyn is my alter ego)
    momo said...
    that is one funny baby!!!

    can't wait to see her again

    btw- this susan (aka momo)

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