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4 month doctor's visit

results are in:
height: 24.5 in (59 %)
weight: 13 lb 4 oz (41%)
head circumference: 41.5 cm (64%)

according to the doctor, bailey is doing quite well for her age. she appears to be healthy, happy, alert, and holding her head just fine. her mom and dad, on the other hand, need some work. ;-)

dr. felix at gotham pediatrics was his usual informative, laid-back, caesar-milan-for-babies self. our most eye-opening revelation is that we need to begin sleep training soon! apparently, a baby of bailey's age should be able to sleep for 10 hour stretches without feeding. she also should learn how to fall asleep on her own sooner rather than later. this translates to a few things we already knew but needed a semi-stern talking to. basically, we need to set/stick to a bedtime and bedtime routine and start using the modified ferber method. i guess i'm going to have to get some earplugs. 

i also need to start feeding bailey every 3 hours rather than every 2 or 2.5 hours. during feedings, i am to make sure she is more focused and emptying each breast until she is full. still more oatmeal and now fenugreek tea to make sure i'm making enough milk. yummy (not).

regarding bailey's flat head, dr. felix is not concerned. after examining her head, he thinks her head is forming just fine. in fact, he thinks over time as she rolls her head from side-to-side, it will get more rounded and less flat. the AAP still recommends that babies sleep on their backs for the first 6 months of life to prevent SIDS. he thinks that the rush to seek out helmets and cranial osteopathy is often an aesthetic measure which matt and i really don't care about. 

after a quick pow wow, matt and i have agreed to start sleep training a week from today. will keep you all posted on how it goes.

btw, bailey was slightly less of a drama queen this morning about her vaccines. emphasis on the word slightly.


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