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bailey's palace

trying to crawl

bailey has been scooting backwards alot for a week or two. apparently this is a normal developmental first step towards crawling. the second step is getting up on your knees. here's an example of bailey doing that but then launching herself forward and plopping on her face. :-)

height: 26.5 in (73%)

weight: 14lb 7oz (18%)
head circumference: 43 in (62%)

great doctor's appt this morning for the B. seems like everything is going well in terms of sleep, activity, health, etc. we are going to try to make it 3 meals of solids a day instead of 2 and pack a little more weight onto our active baby girl. we got the advice that as between child care and a nanny, better for now to go with a nanny as he finds babies that are Bailey's age get sick often (and get their parents sick often) in child care. in a year child care could make sense for the socialization aspects. bailey survived two more immunization shots without much more fuss than 20 seconds of crying. her teeth look good. based on how good her nighttime sleep is, we don't need to worry about whether B takes 30 minutes naps or 90 minute naps during the day. she will sleep as much as she needs to.


bailey had her second trip on a plane (and knock on wood) was very well-behaved. she even got her picture taken with the pilots of our flight from nyc to dallas.

after being in dallas for only 1 day, bailey had a party thrown in her honor! she got to meet all her cousins, aunts, uncles, and great aunt and great uncle at her sip n see. quite the social butterfly, she ate every minute of it up! here's a picture of uncle sean holding b.

the party did not stop there. monday, we celebrated grandpa's bday then on tuesday, we celebrated my birthday. as is typical for family visits, there was plenty of delicious food to be had. grandma lam outdid herself and uncle sam even learned how to man the grill.

when not partying, bailey continued chowing down on solids. she tried avocado while in the big d but wasn't terribly fond of it. happily, she is quite a fan of her second veggie, sweet potatoes. here's a picture of bailey getting fed by both grandmas in her bumbo. bumbo courtesy of aunt jangila. :-)

over the course of the week, grandpa played many violin concerts for bailey. she accompanied him a few times on the piano and even lended her vocal skills. from time to time, bailey banged on the piano sans violin too and is apparently quite a fan of "jesus loves me."

nighttime sleep wasn't spectacular as b discovered she could be nursed again through the night. yes, i caved. might as well have had "open all night" tattooed to my chest. needless to say, we are now re-training her. fortunately she is picking it up much faster than round one. AND now that we have converted our apartment into bailey's palace, matt and i will hopefully be getting more sleep too. for those of you who haven't heard the news, matt and i moved our bed to the living room, giving bailey the run of the entire bedroom. though we have had to suffer constant ribbing from friends, doormen, and our building's maintenance crew, we are certain that the new layout is for the best! come on over for a dinner party (i mean, slumber party) some time to check it out.

in other VERY exciting news, bailey cut her first tooth in dallas and shortly after we returned to nyc, her 2nd tooth popped out too. hooray!

wasp sting

When Bailey and I (daddy) went on our usual weekday morning walk to Grey Dog Cafe (for coffee and a blueberry muffin) and then to Washington Square Park (for meeting new people and dogs and rides in the swing) we were in for a big surprise. While waiting outside the tot lot where the swings are to be opened, a big yellow jacket wasp flew down out of nowhere and landed right in a fold of Bailey's pajamas. As I saw my life flash before my eyes, I desperately tried to blow it away and not towards Bailey's face. I got it off of the pajamas and thought i had achieved victory until 3 seconds later when B started screaming bloody murder. I was practically ready to abandon the Bugaboo and flag someone down to goto an emergency room. Instead I bee-lined for our apartment and started saying silent prayers that B wasn't allergic. Well...after two minutes of crying, B went straight back to her normal laughing about everything routine and was practically asleep when I got back to the apartment 5 minutes later. I took her upstairs and there was a definite sting (big welt with about a two-inch red area around it...barely noticeable in the low rez pic). No more crying, and the welt was gone in a day. Tough girl. I would probably cry longer than two minutes over a wasp sting.

dodger has been a wonderful big brother to bailey. he has had to sacrifice alot. he is no longer allowed on the bed. he no longer gets snuggled like a big baby. his favorite ottoman (from grandpa harry) has been put into storage. his fancy dogwalks have been cancelled.

just as bailey has started to notice dodger and really love every single move he makes, poor mr. dodger is getting old and feeble. he is now wearing diapers, doesn't eat his food in 2 seconds flat, has the shakes, and sometimes goes to the wrong door from the elevator.

i guess with this post, i just wanted to give a little tribute to dodger. and if you happen to be reading this, please say a little prayer for dodger—that he may enjoy the rest of his days and not suffer. :-)

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