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6-month doctor's visit

height: 26.5 in (73%)

weight: 14lb 7oz (18%)
head circumference: 43 in (62%)

great doctor's appt this morning for the B. seems like everything is going well in terms of sleep, activity, health, etc. we are going to try to make it 3 meals of solids a day instead of 2 and pack a little more weight onto our active baby girl. we got the advice that as between child care and a nanny, better for now to go with a nanny as he finds babies that are Bailey's age get sick often (and get their parents sick often) in child care. in a year child care could make sense for the socialization aspects. bailey survived two more immunization shots without much more fuss than 20 seconds of crying. her teeth look good. based on how good her nighttime sleep is, we don't need to worry about whether B takes 30 minutes naps or 90 minute naps during the day. she will sleep as much as she needs to.



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