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a star is born. perhaps?

one of my new pastimes has been surfing craigslist for baby gigs. about a month ago, i found a listing for a baby casting call for a language dvd series called little pim. so i sent in a photo of bailey and the next day got an email about attending a shoot!

one rainy morning at 8:30am, bailey and i took the train to park slope. in a huge brownstone, the basement was set up for the shoot and the dining room housed all the "talent." it was a fascinating scene. a lot of these kids were seasoned professionals. their parents had brushes in hand along with wardrobe changes. and after talking to a few, i realized that most of them had agents (including tate, pictured here with bailey.)

for me and bailey, it was a fun experience. they had toys set up and to bailey, it was just another play date. after about half an hour, we were called to the basement where bailey was ready for her closeup. in her short 8 months of life, it has become abundantly clear. bailey loves attention! she crawled across set. played with a few toys. and smiled for the camera.

whether or not she made the final cut has yet to be determined. but we went away with a $20 gift card and a pretty fun experience.

so... i did it again.

last night while on craigslist, i found another baby casting call. i emailed her pic and got a call at 10am this morning. the auditions were only a few blocks away, so after a quick bath (due to the most explosive poop to date), we were there by 11:00. this time, we were called in for a fisher price audition. after the elevator doors opened, we were greeted with a ton of screaming, smiling, nursing, bouncing babies. surprisingly, we didn't have to wait long. they gave us a sticker with the number 10 and soon called us in for bailey's audition. they had brand new jumperoos that aren't on the market yet and an odd looking froggy contraption that bailey got to test ride. she loved every minute of it and was told she "aced her audition." again, who knows what will come of it. but it was a fun hour spent away from home on yet another rainy day.


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