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night vision

so starting this past monday, i finally decided to start nap training in earnest. it has been hard for both me and the b. she's cried a lot and i think my cortisol levels have gone up. BUT i am going to give this experiment 2 whole weeks (and have been communicating with a sleep consultant via email for support). because i've been going nuts not being able to see bailey while she's crying in her crib, i sucked it up and invested in a video monitor.

with drill, hammer and screwdriver in hand, i mounted the camera this afternoon. and tonight, we had our first test drive of bailey in night vision. it is pretty awesome. the video monitor also came with cables for the TV, so here's matt watching bailey on the big screen. extreme, i know.

here's an informal poll: is it wrong to give the video monitor screen to a neighbor to have them "babysit" after bailey has gone to sleep? feel free to weigh in and post your comment here.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Our dear friends in Switzerland did that sort of thing - had the neighbor keep an eye on the baby, but surprise, without the monitor. I think the monitor would make it fine for someone who is right near by, especially for stretches that are not too long.

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