true to form for Bailey, she started teething again right before a big trip to Dallas, cutting her first top tooth before we left and the second on the trip. however, she is a tough girl and didn't let it get in the way of having lots of fun at Grandma Lam's house. being in such a larger place than our apartment was very exciting for Bailey and she really enjoyed crawling all over the hardwood floors. she also decided that eating her meals had turned into a game where she tried to see how long she could keep her mouth shut. every trick in the book was pulled out by Mom, Dad and Grandma Lam to get Bailey to open her mouth for each spoonful. after weeks of dutiful training by Mom, Bailey finally learned how to wave. that's not to say she has learned when to wave, which in her mind is more likely to be when she is angry or frustrated than when a visitor is departing. she can also "high five" when the mood suits her. the plane flights down and back weren't all bad. all in all, very nice thanksgiving.
p.s. here's bailey's first pic with santa claus (taken in a mall in dallas)