bryn lam lillvis was born this past tuesday, january 24, 2012 at st. luke's roosevelt hospital. weighing in at 5 lb 15oz and measuring 19.5", she's a very happy, healthy baby. so far she has proven to be quite a bit more chill than her big sister bailey. she doesn't protest too much and is content sleeping through any symphony of sounds. she's also proven to be a champion nurser. just like bailey, she had a bout of jaundice but appears to be on the mend.
grandma merry and paw paw came into town on monday to take care of big sister bailey and have been working overtime as grandparents.
big sister bailey has been doing a great job so far being gentle and loving with her little sister. hopefully we can keep up the love and limit the tantrums.
my c-section recovery has been so much better than the last time around. i was able to walk the day after my surgery. no more hardcore pain meds for me. just taking advantage of all the great help.
we are truly blessed and thankful to have this new addition to the family.