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little brynny turned 1 last thursday and had her first taste of cupcakes. YUM. she celebrated by having some of her friends over (xander and emilio) for a pizza party and cupcakes. then we went out to a japanese dinner with daddy where bryn ate a TON of salmon, rice and edamame (and her first taste of ice cream).

then that weekend, both bailey and bryn celebrated with their friends at kidville. it was mayhem with SO many kids but fun was had by all (and most importantly, we had a brief window of time where none of us were sick. knock wood.) the aftermath was pretty frightening for me. so many presents. EGADs. donations here we come. but how to teach humility and stop this trajectory of entightlement? something always in the back of my mind with no clear answers. breathe.

ok, not to diverge... back to TURNING ONE!

yesterday, bryn had her 1 year doctor visit. she was said to be quote, looking GREAT, end quote. she's 50-75 percentile for height and 10-20 percentile for weight (meaning she's not as "gordy" as gaby claims she is). what was SUPER CRAZY was that she didn't cry AT ALL during her vaccinations or blood draw (yes that was vaccinations plural). apparently little brynny is SUPER TOUGH.

next up bailey's real birthday. PARTY! PARTY! PARTY!


addendum to my entitlement fears. a ha. just let 'em fail.


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