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babymoon in france! (9/14/08)

with the groin injury just barely healed, we took off to paris on september 14. nugget was kept super cozy on our fancy l'avion business class flight which allowed us to recline at a 140° angle.

on the day we flew out, lehman exploded (somewhat unexpectedly), and matt ended up having to deal with alot of the drama via blackberry.

in a way, it worked out. i rested my groin at the hotel while he was on conference calls. also, had he been in new york during the meltdown, he undoubtedly would have been working around the clock.

the trip all-in-all was amazing! the dollar was pretty weak, but the extra-costs were worth it for a much-needed vacation.

as i was reading julia child's "my life in france", i was even more interested in french cuisine than my usual foodie-self. the dining was a bit of an eye-opener, in part, due to the language barrier. for instance, when ordering the "chicken" salad, i knew something was wrong when the waiter asked, "are you sure?" indeed, i didn't know the french word for liver and was not so pleasantly surprised when the waiter returned with the largest portion of chicken livers i'd ever seen in my life.

after paris, we flew down to nice for a nice sunny stint on the french riveria. it was truly beautiful and the food was delicious. from there, we flew back to paris where we rented a car and drove through the loire valley visiting chateaux! matt booked a different chateau a night as our hotel. surprisingly, there were no ghosts. just very luxurious stays.

here's my belly at 4 months:


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