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nugget was spoiled on her first trip to sturgis! we got to look through alot of john and matt's baby clothes to see if she wanted any.

then we got to visit a lovely amish friend of the family who had a 3 month old. it was my first time to see a diaper changed and to dress a little baby. i also got a lesson in breastfeeding.

the next day, what i thought was going to be a low-key ladies luncheon with me, denise, mom, and grandma joy, turned into a big momma love fest! i had no idea what was going on when we walked into st. john's episcopal church and loads of ladies screamed "surprise." mom planned a wonderful shower with very strict rules. everyone in attendance had to share positive stories of motherhood. no one could bring a gift unless it was something they no longer needed or unless they felt truly compelled.

of course, everyone broke the rules. :-)
nugget got some wonderful handmade items (a quilted blanket and sweater), a doll, some c
lothes, some advice, and lots of love.

here's a picture of me and grandma joy and the "mother love" party:


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