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ok, have to document some cute baileyisms that make me laugh everytime.

1. squeeze = QUEEZE (with hands as fists)
2. library = libary
3. sMoothie = sNoothie (similar to sMurfs = sNurfs and sMell = sNell)
4. splash = plash (similar to special = pecial)
5. spoon = soon
6. diego = didaygo
7. binoculars = nock-uh-lers
8. throw = FROH
9. three = FREE
10. i don't know = I-NUH-NO
11. i'm not scared of that = i'm not scary of that
12. spoon = soon

previous baileyism that has already been corrected:
animals = amilars

1 Comment:

  1. Nadia said...
    What about " bofh" = both :)

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