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ok, so the name of the blog has changed from "bailey lam lillvis" to "bailey and baby."

good sleuthing my friend, bailey is going to be a big sister (we hope). i only say, we hope, because we're still not out of the first trimester hump. so if you happen to be reading this, please feel free to send good, healthy thoughts and prayers my belly's way.

this is a picture of nugget 2's first sonogram. it seems to be progressing just fine. it's not ectopic and it's heart is flickering just fine.

our next appt will be on july 11. shortly thereafter, we'll have a more involved sono called the "sequential screening."

estimated arrival: january 28!

1 Comment:

  1. Kathie Anderson said...
    May the good lord strength you Vina and new baby from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head. May he protect your going out and coming in always. Love kathie

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